You Are God's Daughter
"I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to me, 'You are My son, Today I have begotten you. Ask of Me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possession" - Psalm 2:7-8
YOU ARE GOD'S DAUGHTER. The day, the moment, the hour you accept that you unlock the door to your inheritance. Despite what you may feel, He is not withholding it from you and wants to give it you in due season.
Oh how great, you will be when you realize the power and authority you have as His child. He is with you, He has always been with you and nothing you can do, say or have done can make Him leave you. He promised you beauty for ashes and oil of joy for mourning. The only condition is that you release it to Him. The hurt, the pain, the disappointment, the rejection, etc place it all at His feet.
He is ever mindful of His children, their well-being, ensuring that they obtain their birthright. You are crowned with glory and honor, not because of what you have been through or because of good deeds, but because you are His child! Success is rushed by those who place who they are in what they do, taking advantage of the shallow hearted. When you know whose you are, patience is welcomed because you know that time is in your father's hand! Remember the race is not given to the swift but to he that endures to the end.
- Identity provides the confidence to carry out God's will.
- Identity ends the back and forth.
- Identity removes the doubt.
- Identity strengthens the trust.
You will understand who you are when you begin to see God as the father He is instead of the father you had!
Keep Healing,
Coach Indy