Purposely Created
Can we talk about purpose for a moment. Real talk purpose is a word that many want to obtain but few people understand its meaning thus get frustrated in the discovery process. This frustration is due to one not understanding it's meaning. We know, in general, purpose is "what a thing or person was designed or created to do" but the misconception is that it something that you discover. Well I'm here to tell you that you don't discover your purpose, you uncover it. Think about how we were taught in history class that Columbus discovered America .... but how can you discover something that already existed and for that matter already had inhabitants. But that's another story.
Before I get into how you uncover it, let's define it. It's rather complex so let me give you a few things in the format of what it is and what it is not.
1. Purpose is not one thing. Thus it is not a title, role, profession or occupation. It is a vision that provides an internal guide of how you view the world and impact others. We often quote the verse in Habakkuk regarding writing the vision and making it plain. However we use it to express our desires and ambition. But if you refer to the verse before it, it clarifies we are to stand and watch and wait and see what He will say ... which brings me to my next point
2. Purpose is given by God not Man. I say this because I see others seeking direction from prophets, ministers, gift assessments etc to TELL them their purpose. Only the one who created you can tell you why. I'm not bashing those people or things as they can be helpful in helping you obtain clarity. But when you fail to seek God, those people/things only add to your confusion which can be both dangerous and a hindrance to your walk. Confusion causes doubt and doubt leads to stagnation. The point of purpose is to clarify your steps, to light your fire, not extinguish it.
3. Purpose is not a destination, it is a journey. Thus it does not end until God calls you home. You don't achieve it, then you're done and retire, you walk in it. Consider all those appointed as kings, disciples, Apostles, etc in the bible, only death ended their calling.
4. Purpose is not a gift or talent, it is an assignment. Therefore your gifts/abilities can change depending on the needs. One of the key principles of purpose is obedience. This is critical, especially in today's culture, because we want to use every talent as justification for "multiple streams of income" and the establishing of multiple businesses, which enables one to focus and actually lessons your impact. Purpose will uncover multiple gifts/talents and yes God wants you to use them but they all should operate under the same vision. God is not scattered, He does things decent and in order.
5. Purpose is collective, it's not individualized. It's not just for you, it's for others. This is why it is dangerous to link purpose to a gift, talent, title, profession or ambition. You don't need God for those, thus purpose is a partnership between you and God to solve a problem in the earth. He created you to be a solution.
So how do you uncover your purpose. One word .... Relationship with God. This relationship will produce healing and restoration. Healing because your past experiences tainted how you view God, yourself and others. Brokenness blocked your vision. Thus the desire to know purpose is an identity crisis that requires restoration that only comes through the love of God. The word says, with love and kindness have I drawn thee. God is saying you have been in a state of confusion long enough and it's time to gain clarity on who you are, who he created you to be.
If you find yourself wanting to know your purpose, get back to the presence of God. It begins with daily prayer, and studying of His word. Then surround yourself with a bible based church preferably one that has bible study classes where you can ask questions. Watch videos of sermons, books and teachings on the love of God. Be Loved - A Restoration Journal is also a great starting point you can use a study guide.