Navigating the Unknown with God
When I first started my writing and purpose journey in 2014, all God said was “Your books will bring healing to the nations”.
That’s it! Every book/journal I have published since then has been under the assignment and obedience to release what He has shown, placed and did in me.
Over the years I’ve imagined what that vision will look like: best selling author, speaking and traveling the world and because none of that has happened I’ve procrastinated at times on my assignment. I’ve grown weary in well doing. I’ve spent money on coaches to give me a strategy. I created and rebranded my websites 50-11 times. I’ve created and started coaching programs to teach people what I know/do. I’ve gone live weekly, posted daily …. Guess what none of that brought me the “nations” or 5K, 10K months the coaches said their program would bring.
I’ve developed anxiety trying to figure God out and how this thing will come to pass. Prayed, cried and prayed again and you know what He said: “Release the revelation I gave you, keep writing” No matter how much I pray and cry, He says “keep writing”.
I’ve grown a lot, learned a lot over the years and even though the books/journals not selling like I’ve hoped …. I keep writing. At the end of the day I have to let go of my desires and expectations and rest in the will of God. I have to stop cursing, with my fears and doubts, what God has called blessed.
So when I say, God will only give you the broad view of the vision, and tasks along the way. I’m talking from experience.
I used to say, “God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, and he gives us the power to work the middle.” Truth is He never intended us to work the middle alone. He never intended us to figure it out. He requires us to be patient, trust Him and not hesitate when He tells us to move.
Coach Indy